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City News

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Okhwa Recreational Forest Welcomes Visitors
Writer Cheongju
Subject Cheongju will fully open all facilities of the Okhwa Recreational Forest in line with the adjusted nationwide social distancing protocols.

Due to the on-going pandemic and continued changes in social distancing protocols, only the camping site had been completely opened, while the Forest Recreation Center and Forest House limited their operations to 10-person rooms. Now, the Forest Recreation Center will open 20-person rooms and the Forest House will also open 25-person rooms.

The newly opening rooms (Jannamu, and Doldanpungbang 2 & 3) are available for reservation online via the Korea Forest Service website (www.foresttrip.go.kr) starting at 10 AM on Thu, Apr. 21, and can be used starting Sat, Apr. 23.

Okhwa Recreational Forest’s tour guides and children’s programs are also available for reservation online via the Cheongju website (https://www.cheongju.go.kr/ticket/main.do) to experience diverse forest activities and educational opportunities for free.

A city official remarked, “We hope citizens visit the Okhwa Recreational Forest with their families to refresh their minds from the prolonged pandemic and return to ordinary life.”
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