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Title JJoin the 2022 Uri Jang Making Event to experience of making jang*
Writer the Farming Resources Team
Subject The Cheongju Agricultural Technology Center is accepting applications until January 31, 2022 for the ‘2022 Uri Jang Making Event’ for citizens living in Cheongju City. (*Jang: traditional Korean sauce)

Cheongju City will hold recipe sessions led by five jang makers supported by the Cheongju Agricultural Technology Center on how to make doenjang (soybean sauce paste) and ganjang (soy sauce) to 1,100 people from February 10 to 13.

The five jang makers that will attend include those from Sanseonggeot Daemeju, Okesaemjung (located in Nangseong), Woo Yoon Ok Jang Story (located in Nangseong), Mongnongjang (located in Bugi) and Doldam Nongwon (located in Undong-dong).

Most of the citizens participating in the sessions are living in apartment buildings and have difficulties making and storing jang at home.

Through this event of making jang together, they can learn how to make jang and make it on their own.Moreover, the jang they make can be stored and managed by the jang makers until October, when jang are well fermented, for the participants’ convenience.

Citizens who want to participate in this event can contact the farm or jang makers directly with the contact information posted on the Cheongju Agricultural Technology Center website or apply to their Farming Resources Team (☎+82-043-201-3831–3).

The date and time of making jang can be decided by participants. Each participant will receive around 13 kg of doenjang and 6 L of ganjang per 1 block of meju (fermented soybean block) in October when fermentation is completed.

The participation fee is KRW 160,000 for 1 block of beans and KRW 90,000 for a half of block.

Since 1996, the Cheongju Agricultural Technology Center has hosted the event to provide the ‘experience of making jang’ for housewives in urban areas to realize the importance of traditional Korean food by making jang themselves. The event have been well received especially by consumers who are interested in safe food, and it is also being promoted this year as well.

▶Inquiry: Support Planning Department of the Farming Resources Team (☎+82-43-201-3831)
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