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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju-si to provide handed support to vitalize social enterprises
Writer Social Enterprise Team
Subject Cheongju-si to provide openhanded support to vitalize social enterprises

Cheongju-si is working in various capacities to help social enterprises establish the foundations they need to gain independence including financial support, product promotion, capacity-building training, instruction and guidance, and more.

Social enterprises refer to companies whose ultimate value lies in the promotion of social causes while engaging in business activities such as production and sales, providing social services or jobs to socially vulnerable groups such as women, the disabled, and the elderly.

The city is currently working with 98 social enterprises including 44 future social enterprises in the final preparation stage, and 54 certified social enterprises, which account for 50% of the entire social enterprises in Chungcheongbuk-do Province. Over the last year alone, 30 (future) social enterprises were newly registered in the project.

Continuing from the previous year, the city will provide KRW 2.5 billion to 240 workers from 55 companies to cover labor costs as part of the financial subsidy program. The financial programs will not only provide quality jobs to socially vulnerable groups, but will also be overseen to ensure the grant is actually used for appropriate purposes.

In addition, the city plans on using media outlets including YouTube, the radio, and movie theaters to launch promotional activities designed to increase the awareness of the social enterprises to help increase their sales. Training and academic programs will also be operated to vitalize social enterprises and help them grow into healthy social enterprises which are embedded in the local community.

A city spokesperson said, “As the number of social enterprises continues to grow, the city will continue to offer ample support to help them grow into sustainable companies in the local community.”

▶Inquiries: Social Enterprise Team, Employment Support Department (☎+82-43-201-1382)
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