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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju-si establishes system for issuing fines to those who misuse handicap parking spots
Writer Welfare for the Disabled Team
Subject Cheongju-si establishes system for issuing fines to those who misuse handicap parking spots

Cheonju-si is establishing a one-stop system that can perform vehicle registration lookup and issuance of fines for vehicles misusing handicap parking spots.

The system uses the registration number of a vehicle illegally parked in a handicap parking space to automatically run a search in various databases including the car civil complaint administration system, the non-tax receipt information system, the social security information system, the e-green post system of Korea Post, and so on. Based on the search results, it seamlessly and simultaneously performs a number of tasks, including vehicle registration lookup, issuance of fine, repossession for nonpayment, and sending of mail.

Last year, Cheongju-si issued 10,396 fines to vehicles illegally parked in handicap parking spaces. One staff member in each of the four borough offices can process more than 200 fines associated with handicap parking spaces each month. The process used to be time consuming since the person in charge had to perform all tasks associated with the process through manual searches including confirmation of the misuse and issuance of a fine.

Through the adoption of the one-stop system, Cheongju-si is now able to process the same tasks related to the handicap parking spaces in one third of the time that it used to take.

A city spokesperson said, “Through the implementation of this system, we were able to increase the effectiveness of our operations. We are going to work harder to stop misuse and improve the convenience and mobility of peoples with disabilities through stricter enforcement of the related regulation.”

▶Inquiries: Welfare for the Disabled Team, Department of the Elderly and the Disabled (☎+82-43-201-1882)
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