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Title Cheongju-si installs more electronic fingerprint scanners
Writer Civil Complaint Team
Subject Cheongju-si installs more electronic fingerprint scanners

Cheongju-si installed electronic fingerprint scanners in administrative welfare centers across 20 dongs (districts).

According to the Resident Registration Act, all Korean citizens must register all ten of their fingerprints when applying for their first resident registration card at the age of 17. Through the Enforcement Decree of the Resident Registration Act promulgated in 2016, finger prints can now be collected using a data processing organization as well as the conventional way using ink. Cheongju-si first introduced fingerprint scanners in four local administrative welfare centers in 2018 as part of a pilot project. This year, it is going to expand the use of fingerprint scanners by installing them in 20 more administrative welfare centers.

The conventional way of using ink to collect fingerprints involves the physical application of black ink at the end of all ten fingers of the applicant. This method comes with inconveniences such as having to wash off the ink after pressing the fingers on the application form, it involves physical contact, and the need to transfer the documents to a police station in person.

In comparison to this, the electronic registration method using a fingerprint scanner simply requires the applicant to touch their fingertips to the device, and the images of fingerprints are uploaded automatically to the resident registration system,

Through the introduction of the electronic registration method, Cheongju-si collects high-clarity fingerprints, and transfers the resident registration application forms to the National Police Agency, increasing administrative efficiency.

There are also 8,752 seventeen-year-old Cheongju-si residents who are eligible to apply for their first resident registration cards this year.

A city spokesperson said, “We expect to increase the convenience of civil petitioners by providing advanced civil services through the installation of electronic fingerprint scanners.”

▶Inquiries: Civil Complaint Team, Civil Complaint Department (☎+82-43-201-2953)
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