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Title Installation of Reading and Parent Activity Space in Munam Ecological Park
Writer Park Management Division
Subject Installation of Reading and Parent Activity Space in Munam Ecological Park

Cheongju City has installed a reading and parent activity space in Munam Ecological Park to give parents who have brought their children to the park a place to read or rest.

This project was one of many proposals brought up by the residents to the mayor during his round of the city to commemorate the New Year of 2019, and reflects public opinions that while Munam Ecological Park has many facilities for children, there is a marked lack of places where parents can read or otherwise relax while looking after their children.

The installed space is 9.5m wide, 3.8m long, and 3m tall, with a pillar in the center that doubles as a bookshelf. The space was built specifically to prevent books from being damaged by the rain or snow, and benches have been placed in the shape of a rectangular C in order to maximize its seating capacity, thereby raising the efficiency of the entire space.

A city official explained, “Currently, Munam Ecological Park sees a lot of families coming by to visit as it operates swimming pools for children. While the children can play in these pools to escape the heat, their parents are forced to wait in the sweltering heat for a long period of time”, and stated, “The installation of this space for reading and parent activities now allows parents to take a brief breather and some time to think while their children play in the pools.”

▶ Inquiries: Park Management Team 1, Park Management Division (☎043-201-4413)
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