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Title 30 Types of Forest Experience Programs Opened in 5 Parks
Writer Park Management Division
Subject Experience Cheongju Tourism at a Glance with 2019 Cheongju City Tour

- Munam Ecological Park, SandangsanseongAncient Road , Solbat Park, Miraeji Park, Dangsan Park –

Cheongju City is operating 30 types of forest experience programs, such as the Happy Eco Experience with Forest Interpreters, for locals seeking to visit parks. The programs are offered free of charge.

Munam Ecological Park is operating the Insect Classroom, Wild Animal School for Children, and more. The Wild Animal School for Children is available to elementary school students who are placed under the after-school care of regional centers for children under the jurisdiction of the city, and allows them to participate in 4 consecutive in-depth classes on the subjects of wild animals, amphibians, reptiles, and insects.

The Sandangsanseong Ancient Road offers pregnant women and middle-aged visitors forest therapy programs that are customized to meet the needs of the participants, such as a forest trek that will indulge all five senses, forest meditations, and natural object crafting sessions.

At Solbat Park, visitors can get in touch with their cultural emotions in a park filled with the scent of pine trees, such as by using nails and string to create shapes in the string art woodwork program or embarking on a reading journey in the pine grove with a book club.

Miraeji Park will run programs such as the Saturday Forest Outing for the Family and natural object crafting sessions for campers. This will allow families who have come to the park to enjoy the weekend to play and enjoy themselves in the forest according to the season, as well as to directly observe and learn by talking about animals and plants in the wetlands as well as trees.

The operation of the programs in Dangsan Park has been entrusted to the Forest Interpreters Cooperative, and is composed of programs that cultivate the characters of visitors through nature such as the forest unity programand a fulfilling forest ecology experience. It will run until December.

Visitors can apply to pre-register for the programs through the Cheongju City Integrated Reservation System (https://www.cheongju.go.kr/ticket/main.do) and contact the Citizen Leisure Team of the Park Management Division (☎ 043-201-4448) for detailed information.

A city official stated, “We hope that many people will participate so that they can grow closer to nature, cultivate their appreciation for ecology through various programs, and make unique memories to look back on.”

▶ Inquiries: Citizen Leisure Team, Park Management Division (☎043-201-4448)
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