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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Support Center for Agricultural Food Processing Technology Revitalizes Agricultural Food Convergence Industry
Writer Research & Development Division
Subject Cheongju City’s Support Center for Agricultural Food Processing Technology Revitalizes Agricultural Food Convergence Industry
- Creation of Stable Income Sources through Processing and Sale of Agricultural Products with Low Marketability -

The Cheongju City Agricultural Technology Center (Director Choi Dong-un) is operating the Support Center for Agricultural Food Processing Technology to assist in raising the income of farmers by processing regional agricultural specialty produce and revitalizing the agricultural food convergence industry by expanding opportunities for processing startups.

Standing 2 stories high with a scale of approximately 957.48㎡, the Support Center for Agricultural Food Processing Technology has completed its business registration as a food manufacturing and processing business. Equipped with 99 units of 71 types of processing equipment, the center is producing juices, jams, powders, chips made using dried ingredients, and more. In particular, the center’s fruit and vegetable juices and jams have acquired HACCP certification from the Korea Agency of HACCP Accreditation and Services (KAHAS), and its products are being sold through direct local food stores in the region under the co-brand “Saengmyeongae” by 14 farm businesses which have declared themselves as distribution-specialized sales business.

Last year, 14 farm businesses that used the services of the Support Center for Agricultural Food Processing Technology processed 21 tons of fruits and vegetables that were difficult to sell year-round or market as fresh produce due to their short harvest and storage periods to secure KRW 80 million in sales.

An official at the Agriculture Technology Center stated, “As farmers are showing an increased interest in the processing and sale of agricultural produce, we are working to serve as a foothold to revitalize the agricultural food convergence industry by providing various types of education and developing different kinds of products.”

For inquiries and consultations on reservations and production, contact the Agriculture Processing Team of the Research & Development Division at the Cheongju City Agricultural Technology Center (201-3931~5).

▶Inquiries: Agricultural Processing Team, Research & Development Division (☎043-201-3933)
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