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Title Maker Space ‘Darak 441’
Writer Investment Promotion Division
Subject Cheongju-siHolds Opening Ceremony for Maker Space Darak 441 and Begins Operating in Full Scale

In Cheongju-si, Maker Space Darak 441 was opened on the 6th at 2:00 PM. It is a creation space where any Cheongju resident can turn their creative ideas into a real object freely and easily.

At the opening ceremony, over 50 people were in attendance to celebrate the opening of the Maker Space, including President Yu Eung-mo of Cheongju Council on Social Welfare (CJCSW) and relevant officials fromKorea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity (KOFAC) .

So far, as a result of announcing the Maker Space Establishment and Operation Project to promote the 4th industrial revolution and create a startup environment, 2 companies located in Cheongju-si – Chaeum Plus Education and Making Brothers – made the final selection in June to prepare for the opening by creating spaces and setting up equipment such as 3D printers.Darak 441, which was opened this time, is a facility that is equipped with professional equipment for creation activities, and is composed of the Maker Practical Training Field for education and activities of the citizens , exhibition halls that could be used for presentations and talk concerts, and office spaces for meetings and lectures.

In particular, the space of Maker Practical Training Field was made as a wide open space where anybody can freely visit and make their creations in line with the intention of Maker Space. Additionally, it was differentiated from other Maker Spaces by being equipped with 10 different types of 35 pieces of equipment including 3D full body scanners, 3D printers, and laser cutters.

An officer from Cheongju-si said, “By building a Maker Space, which would be the foundation of innovative growth and revitalization of manufacturing startups in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, we will make the most of this opportunity to turn the thoughts of citizens, which were never materialized due to a lack of adequate facilities and equipment, into practical reality, and anticipate that the expansion of Maker would lead to youth startups and creation of jobs.”

▶ Inquiries: Assistant Director Lee Eun-jeong of Startup Support Team, Investment Promotion Division (☎043-201-1472)
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