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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Comprehensive Information on Pregnancy, Giving Birth, and Infant Care at a Glance at CheongjuMoadream
Writer Policy Planning Division
Subject - Supporting Policies for Each Life Cycle Stage Such as Pregnancy, Giving Birth, and Infant Care Are All Gathered in One Place through Installation of Public Health Centers, Community Service Centers, Ob/Gyn, and Postnatal Care Centers –

Cheongju-si has opened the website “CheongjuMoadream-e” and published the “CheongjuMoadream Guidebook”, which gathers and introduces information on pregnancy, giving birth, and infant care.

The newly-created “CheongjuMoadream” lets citizens see information encompassing everything from pregnancy to infant caring at a glance by dividing the information according to life cycle stage in order to give guidance on services available and how to utilize said services.

In the pregnancy and giving birth field, the following services are introduced: parenting education to newlyweds and soon-to-be married couples; supporting Oriental medicine treatment cost for infertility; breast pump rental service; childbirth grants and infant care grants for 3rd child and afterwards; Book Loving Campaign with Kids; installing sterilizers for strollers and other baby products; and single mothers and fathers support services. In the infant care field, the following information is contained: support for baby care by the hour; joint infant care centers; joint infant care clubs; and toy rental centers.

In particular, in the Dodamdodam Cultural Activity field, detailed information is given on reduction of automobile acquisition tax for households with multiple kids, preferential treatment for households with multiple kids for using facilities operated by Cheongju-si, and issuance of ChungbukChildlove Bonus Cards, so it is expected to be very useful information for households with multiple kids.

The city is planning to place guidebooks at public health centers, eup and myeon offices, dong community centers, Ob/Gyn, and postnatal care centers.

Citizens who need relevant information on pregnancy, giving birth, and infant care can always check via the CheongjuMoadream-e website as well, and may conveniently connect to it through the Cheongju-si website (www.cheongju.go.kr).

Director Park Cheol-wan of the Policy Planning Division said, “We received many opinions that relevant information on pregnancy, giving birth, and infant care are all scattered in different divisions, and so it was really inconvenient to use. We produced CheongjuMoadream booklets and opened the website so that all the information could be checked in one place,” and added, “We will continuously manage and gather all service information related to pregnancy, giving birth, and infant care provided by other organizations so that the citizens who need information could use it more conveniently.”
▶Inquiries: Policy Planning Division Population Policy Team (☎201-1247)
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