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Title Chengju will carry out intensive control for winter wildlife poaching
Writer environment policy division
Subject Chengju will carry out intensive control for winter wildlife poaching

Crackdown for 4 months from 9th to March 4th next year-

Chengju will carry out intensive control for wildlife poaching as it is predicted that the wildlife poaching and trafficking will prevail with advent upcoming winter migrants and agricultural off-season.

Chengju will intensify the surveillance and special control for winter migrants, frogs, snakes and other wildlife animals in the possible poaching region from 9th to March 4th next year.

The city will organize the control team composed of public officials and wildlife protection team to patrol possible poaching region, bust poaching and trafficking of wildlife, and collect illegal poaching equipment such as snares, traps and gins.

Also, they will organize contact system for dispatch and also carry out activities such as feeding wildlife animals, preventing poaching, protecting wildlife animals.

The city plan to accuse illegal actions such as poaching and trafficking to judicial agencies to protect wildlife animals.

The city authority said "we will try to maintain the natural ecosystem where human and animals coexist by carrying out the poaching control system and helping wildlife animals to go through winter."

▶inquiry: environment policy division wilderness preservation team(☎201-4651)
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