Small Performance Hall

HOME Facility Performance Halls Cheongju Arts Center Small Performance Hall

Small Performance Hall

  • Front Stage : 217.44㎡, Center Stage: 51.84㎡, Seats: 296
  • The small performance hall is located underground, and is connected to the outside through the Sunken Garden. Both the front stage and the center stage are equipped with all sorts of facilities that allow for many different forms of performances. The main speakers installed on both sides of the stages ensure that an average sound pressure level can be maintained anywhere within the performance hall, and the presence of 2 wireless antennas guarantees that the wireless microphone can be used freely while moving around.
소공연장 무대, 입구, 로비

Cheongju Arts Center was opened in 1995 to cultivate the cultural emotions of Cheongju citizens. It has modern cultural facilities such as major and minor works, exhibition rooms and convenient facilities. The Grand Theater (1,493 seats), the small hall (296 seats), the meeting room, and the exhibition room.

A proscenium stage

Small Performance Hall

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