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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Early Printing Museum, holds a special exhibition ‘Prestigious Family of Cheongju, a Fertile Land with Many Heroes’
Writer Cheongju
Subject Cheongju Early Printing Museum, holds a special exhibition ‘Prestigious Family of Cheongju, a Fertile Land with Many Heroes’
- On view from Nov. 2 to Feb. 12, 2024 in the contemporary exhibition hall
- Over 120 artifacts from 17 families in the Cheongju region on display

Cheongju Early Printing Museum announced that it will hold a special exhibition ‘Prestigious Family of Cheongju, a Fertile Land with Many Heroes’ from Nov. 2, 2023 to Feb. 12, 2024, in the special exhibition room on the second floor of the contemporary exhibition hall.

Many families who have settled in the Cheongju area have requested Cheongju Early Printing Museum to exhibit their precious ancestors' artifacts and records in hopes of showcasing them to their descendants, and hence, the museum has researched the families' materials and provided an opportunity for the public to see them.

The four characters of the exhibition's title, “Indahogirl (人多豪傑),” were used by King Taejo of Goryeo to describe Cheongju as a livable region where the land was fertile and produced many talented people. Just like its nickname, many people settled in Cheongju and lived there for generations, producing many talented people.

Seventeen families living in Cheongju participated in the exhibition, introducing the background of their settlement in Cheongju, like when and who first settled in the city, along with the key figures.

The exhibition materials include a portrait of Shin Sook-joo, Sinjeolbunjaegi (by Goryeong Shin), wooden printing blocks of Cheongwabangmok (by Milyang Park), a slave identification tag (by Eun Jin-song), Eunchugapoedo (by Yeo-heung Min), and a portrait of Yun Kwan (by Hadong Jung), adding up to a total of 120 pieces and categorizing the main characteristics of the families under the themes of loyalty and filial piety.

Meanwhile, at the opening ceremony held at the Modern and Contemporary Print Exhibition Hall on the 2nd, 150 people from museum-relevant organizations and families who have been living in the region, including Cheongju Mayor Lee Beom-seok, UNESCO ICDH Director-General Yoon Myung-cho, Cheongju National Museum Director Lee Yang-soo, Air Force Museum Director Kang Chang-bu, and Seung-soon Park, President of the Cheongju Branch of the Sungkyunkwan Judo Association, attended to celebrate the opening of the special exhibition.

A city official said, “We actively promoted this special exhibition with the intention of helping to provide safe management and preservation measures for materials exposed to risks such as damage and theft.” “This is a great opportunity to reinscribe our precious records that are often forgotten, so we hope that not only Cheongju residents but also those living in other regions will show a lot of interest,” he said.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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