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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Uamsan Mountain Dulle-Gil, Total 4.2 km Completed
Writer Cheongju
Subject Cheongju achieves the first project of the three major pending city projects of the city government from the eighth civil election
- Cheongju, completed construction of 4.2 km-long Uamsan Mountain dulle-gil; opening to the public on December 8

Cheongju announced that the Uamsan Dulle-Gil Project, one of the three major pending projects of the eighth civil election government, was finished earlier and the city would open the track to the public starting on December 8.

The dulle-gill starts from Samil Park to Children’s Center. The construction started in last December and cost total KRW 10 billion (KRW 7.5 billion from the province, KRW 2.5 billion from the city) resulting in a 2.3 km-long walking deck, 4.2 km-long pedestrian road repair, and lighting and amenities.

The project improved the pedestrian convenience by repairing existing pedestrian roads, intended to provide a public recreational place harmonizing with nature to the citizens. The original pedestrian roads became wider after having decks with eco-friendly, organic wood and lighting installed. The lights will let pedestrians enjoy the night view of Uamsan Mountain.

The city installed benches at regular intervals for people to take rest in the middle of walking, guiding signs to check current locations, uniquely designed sculptures, and benches with decoration as a photo zone.

The Dulle-Gill Project was first designed in April 2020 and developed into facilitating a one-way street after the city debate and the information session, but was thwarted after facing disagreeing opinions.

The project was operated with the commencement of the city government elected from the 8th civil election and the task force from the transition committee and went through five meetings. As a result, the initial plan was modified into preserving the two-way roads and making dulle-gil by installing pedestrian decks.

The construction commenced in last December with sharing agreement from the citizens and was completed this year.

The Uamsan Ring Road had been neglected by pedestrians due to its narrow width and poorly maintained condition although it was located in the center of the city.

It is expected that the project will enable Uamsan Dulle-Gil to be a popular spot for anyone to enjoy walking with ease and relax.

The 1.9 km-long section (Uamsan Park to Children’s Center) where the deck is not installed yet will be equipped with further facilities in 2024 with the city spending KRW 3 billion.

An official from the city government said, “The Uamsan Dulle-Gil Project was one of the key projects of Mayor Lee Beom-seog. The project was completed smoothly as the city reflected the public opinion as much as it can.” The official went on saying, “I hope the dulle-gil would become a healing spot where citizens could visit frequently and another tourist attraction of fun city Cheongju.”
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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