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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title 2023 Cheongju Original Downtown Alley Festival for this Fall and Winter
Writer Cheongju
Subject 2023 Cheongju Original Downtown Alley Festival is Just around the corner for this fall and winter!
- The next in line to continue the work of Summer Cheongju Cultural Heritage Night Walk — Original Downtown Alley Festival
- Fall and winter alley festivals held to fill the original downtown area with culture and art in October and November

The Cheongju Original Downtown Alley Festival is back to let you experience the charms and values of the four seasons in the original downtown of Cheongju by walking around its alleys.

Last spring, the festival brought joy to around 20,000 citizens’ lives by creating a world of fairy tales in the alleys of Jungang-dong under the theme “Spring: the Jungang Fairy Tales.” Not long ago in Summer, the “Cheongju Cultural Heritage Night Walk,” a prominent event in the city, reached 70,000 visitors, breaking the record of success again.

The next in line is the Original Downtown Alley Festival, which will be held in the fall and winter. The festival will be held in Daeseong-dong for the fall with “house” as the theme; meanwhile, the theme for the winter festival in Seomun-dong will be “light.”

First, the fall festival will be held in the area of Daesong-ro 112beon-gil, from Woo-ri Art Institute to Cheongju Local Confucian School, under the theme, “Fall: Jip, Daesong.”

“Fall: Jip, Daesong” has a double meaning: the Korean word “jip,” meaning house, comprises the meaning of Daeseong-dong and its various houses that hold the town’s history; it also means “Jip-Daeseong,” meaning to compile in Korean, collecting the stories of those houses and the people living inside them.

The festival is divided into three programs: (a) Seeing (tours, performances, exhibits); (b) Playing (experiences, markets); and (c) Together: (partner programs). The programs will showcase a blend of Daeseong-dong residents’ stories, which include the “Alley Tour,” where visitors can wander the streets and find interesting houses, “Wishing Experience,” which brings the meaning of sacred mountains into the alleys, “Alley Playground Program,” which allows visitors to enjoy street games from the past, and “Grandmother’s Wardrobe,” the fashion exhibition and circulatory program that encapsulates the stories of the elderly ladies in Daeseong-dong.

Furthermore, the “Original Downtown Revitalization Citizen Contest” program, which will bring life back into the original downtown area with citizens’ participation, and various programs partnering with teammates, including Chungcheongbuk-do Community Media Foundation, Chungcheongbuk-do Culture Center, and Daeseong-dong Women’s Association, will enrich the festival.

The winter festival is expected to be held in the Industrial Tool Street in Seomun-dong from Saturday, November 18th to Sunday, November 19th under the theme, “Winter: Marvelous Seomun.” After the industrial tool stores that represent Seomun-dong close their doors on the early winter days, the pitch black streets will light up, and various sounds and colors will fill the road, showcasing a marvelous experience for visitors.

The heavy industry equipment and tools will be used to create an intense and hip vibe within the street. The 2023 Cheongju Original Downtown Alley Festival will end with splendid performances expressed with lights and colors, including shutter art and media facade, and works that effectively reveal the theme of light, such as artistic work, dances, DJ performances, and various citizen contest programs.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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