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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Performance of “Fun City Cheongju” Leads to KRW 100 B Worth of Private Investment in Camping Land
Writer Cheongju
Subject Performance of “Fun City Cheongju” leads to KRW 100 billion worth of private investment in camping land
- Kovea creates “Slow Hill Kovea Camping Land”
- Lee Beom-seok cabinet’s first private funding in tourist facility, signaling massive private investment invitations
- Land purchase complete; fully-fledged operations set to begin in 2026 after administrative procedures and construction

Gone are the days of the “boring city!”

The eighth popularly elected government of Cheongju has begun creating performances in the areas of building a “fun city.”

On the 11th, the city government stated that it had succeeded in attracting an investment worth KRW 100 billion in constructing a camping land in Nangseong-myeon, Sangdang-gu.

Kovea (CEO Kang Hye-geun) began examining the five proposed sites across Korea to create a high-quality camping land in 2008; the company decided to start its business in Samsan-ri, Nangseong-myeon, persuaded by the enthusiastic appeal of the city and its will to transform as a “fun city.”

Kovea is the symbol of leisure and camping in Korea, and the company plans to build the “Slow Hill Camping Land” and start its fully-fledged operations by 2026. The land has already been purchased.

On the 18th, the city government expects to start the promotion of a business agreement with Kovea to successfully create the “Slow Hill Kovea Camping Land.”

This private funding is the result of Governor Lee Beom-seog’s effort to set a policy of creating a fun city with various and unique attractions and amusing features for the satisfaction and joy of all citizens.
The city government is devoting all of its energy to attracting a massive theme park construction project in Osong and Ochang as well, leading to many believing that bringing the camping land into Cheongju signals the success of private investment projects conducted by the eighth popularly elected government.

▶ “Slow Hill Kovea Camping Land” to Become the Mecca of Camping

Kovea will create a premium complex camping site in the 150,000 ㎡ area in Samsan-ri, Nangseong-myeon. The company plans to build various camping areas for normal stays, caravans, cabins, and pets.

A wide range of experience sites are also in store, such as infinity pools for campers and ordinary visitors, water amusements, including water slides, artificial rock-climbing facilities, and sleigh riding all year long.

Kovea will also create an outdoor performance area with around 1,200 seats, planning to cover the ground of the seating area with grass and let campers listen to music and experience performances from their camping sites.

The company has held massive two-day camping festivals yearly in an auto camping site located on Jarasum Island in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-do, where renowned musical figures are invited; after the construction of the camping site in Nangseong, the company expects to hold the same event in Cheongju.

According to the Korea Tourism Organization, Korea’s domestic camping industry is growing at an explosive rate of 30% every year. More than 7 million campers are enjoying their camping experiences with their family.

Kovea’s construction of the premium camping land brings hope for the city to rise as the mecca for campers and a camping attraction.

▶ Two-for-One Effect: Enhancing Citizen Satisfaction and Revitalizing the Economy

The city government completed its simulation process, which included a keen examination of legal and administrative aspects, to successfully implement this tourism investment project.

The plan is to run consultations for swift approvals and permissions according to the in-advance examination results and constantly discuss with relevant institutes and departments.
Cheongju expects over 360,000 visitors to the Kovea Camping Land after it opens. Compared with other similar cases, the camping land is expected to create a production of KRW 199.5 billion, added value of KRW 82.2 billion, employment for 869 individuals, and an employment inducement effect for 1,107 people.

The city government is holding discussions for a discount for locals.

Officials have already requested to figure out a way for citizens to mingle with campers during camping festivals and create a space for them.

A city official stated, “Investments have become a struggle at the beginning of the eighth popularly elected government due to higher project-financing regulations, rising interest rates, the economic recession, and rise in prices,” adding, “Nonetheless, we are very grateful that Kovea decided to invest in our city.”

The official went on to say, “To return the favor of such a difficult decision, we will do our best to carry out administrative measures swiftly and do our best to support the project. We hope the camping site will revitalize the local economy by becoming a nationwide attraction as well as a place of rest and happiness for locals.”

“Following the low-budget projects that led to the fervent support of locals based on the utilization of various locations, such as the Cherry Blossom Food Truck Festival and Desert Bakery Festival, we will keep discovering events and festivals that raise great support despite their small scale, focusing our energy on transforming Cheongju as a fun city.”
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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