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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Archives to Hold the National Forest Culture Asset “Poplar Scholarship Foundation” Special Exhibition
Writer Cheongju
Subject - Showcasing records and videos until Sep. 27
- In memory of poplar trees, the trees of hope that has grown the city

Cheongju Archives announced its plan to hold the special exhibition related to Cheongju Poplar Scholarship Foundation at Citizen’s Archives in Cheongju Archives until Sep. 27.

The exhibition, titled “Singing Hope under the Poplar Tree,” features exhibits related to the Poplar Scholarship Foundation’s archives and intends to share the value of records and spread the culture of records.

The Poplar Scholarship Foundation was founded in 1967 when Cheongwon-gun (former administrative district) planted 14,000 poplar trees along Mihogang River in Gungpyeong-ri, Osong-eup, and used the proceeds from the sale of the trees to fund scholarships since 1978. Over the past 36 years until 2013, it has provided scholarships worth KRW 468.41 million to 1,840 local students in need.

The documents on display in this special exhibition include 15 items, including Poplar Plantation Land Registers, Poplar Tree Management Registers, Settlement Statements for each year of the scholarship, Deposit Registers, Scholarship Student Recommendation Letters, Scholarship Award Ceremony Photographs, Scholarship Review Committee Materials, and Scholarship Award Certificates, all of which were prepared during the course of the Poplar Scholarship Program.

In recognition of their value as important archival heritage, these records were designated as a National Forest Culture Asset by the Korea Forest Service in December 2022.

Until now, they had been stored at the Poplar Scholarship Memorial Hall in Okhwa Natural Recreation Forest. On May 17, they were transferred to Cheongju Archives.

The exhibit also explains the history of the Poplar Scholarship Fund and shows a video documenting the Poplar Planting Movement.

Furthermore, a poplar tree forest path and a photo zone are expected to attract visitors' attention.

"We have organized this event to introduce important archival heritage to citizens in order to share the value of records and spread the culture of records," said Lee Gyeong-ran, President of Cheongju Archives.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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