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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju to Build Two More Water Playgrounds at Daenong Park and Manggol Park
Writer Cheongju
Subject - A full-scale project to make Cheongju a fun city in four different places this summer -

Cheongju City announced its plan to build two new water playgrounds at Daenong Park (99 Daenong-ro, Heungdeok-gu) and Manggol Park (168 Wolpyeong-ro, Sangdang-gu).

The city stated its plan of using KRW 2.6 billion to finish the project by July.

▶ Two new water playgrounds in Daenong Park and Manggol Park

The water playground in Daenong Park in Heungdeok-gu was designed with the idea of “the sea of creation where life thrives and breathes,” mirroring the design that produced the panorama of the broad sea, beginning with the land.

There will be six areas totaling 2,200 m2, including a lighthouse play zone and a dynamic water play zone. A total of 29 general rides and 18 aquatic rides is slated to be built.

The water playground in Sangdang-gu's Manggol Park is themed “fairy tales for children” and attempts to create an imaginary world similar to entering a fairy tale. The designs included a milling rabbit, a huge tree, the sun and moon, and a pointy roof typical of European castles.

The construction area covers 1,297 m2, and 5 aquatic rides, such as a complex playground and an umbrella-shaped fountain, are scheduled to be built, as well as a relaxing area to escape the heat.

▶ A total of four water playgrounds in parks nearby for citizens to dip their feet
For 32 days from Jul. 18 through Aug. 18, the city intends to operate water playgrounds at four locations: Daenong Park, Manggol Park, Munam Ecological Park, and Life Nuri Park (18 Millenieom 1-ro, Cheongwon-gu).

In 2022, around 9,500 citizens visited the Whale Water Playground in Life Nuri Park, attracting urban foot traffic as a holiday destination.

A movable water play facility (assembly pool and tubes) will be erected around the Whale Water Playground of Life Nuri Park so that toddlers and children may safely enjoy the water play facilities.

A movable water play facility (assembly pool and water slides, etc.) and ancillary facilities will be built at the inline skating rink in Munam Ecological Park, which does not have water play facilities, so that toddlers and children may enjoy water play facilities.

In Daenong and Manggol Parks, new water playground facilities will be built.

An official of Cheongju said, “We will put forth the utmost effort to make the new water play grounds in Manggol Park and Daenong Park water summer holiday destinations for families. We will continue to develop various facilities that people can enjoy here and there in the parks.”
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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