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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Daecheongho Museum of Art Launches The Space of Water, a Special Exhibition
Writer Cheongju
Subject - A time to think about water and nature -

Cheongju City announced that the Cheongju Museum of Art will be holding a special exhibition, The Space of Water, at the Daecheongho Museum of Art in the first half of 2023.

This exhibition will be open until Jul. 16. It will be hosted in conjunction with the 2023 Daechungho Environmental Art Festival, under the theme of water.

Recognizing the significance of the environment and the challenge of ecosystem preservation, the Daecheongho Museum of Art has been investigating different interpretations and expressions to build a sustainable environment under the themes of nature, environment, and water.

The special exhibition The Space of Water originated as an extension of these issues. The museum showcases an exhibition that focuses entirely on the element of water by using the geographical features and natural ecosystem of the museum's proximity to Daecheongho Lake.

Six artists, including Lee Chang-soo, Kim Won-jeong, Kim I-bak, Lee Yeon-suk, Jeong Hye-jeong, and Hong Su-yeon, participated in this exhibition. You can view artworks that recognize the presence of water that is deeply embedded in our lives and nature, and explore the use and circulation of water. The artworks cover the unknown region of water and the civilization of water.

“I hope this exhibition will serve as a time to think about water and nature, which we often forget their preciousness. It will be an opportunity to think about ways for water and people to coexist,” said Lee Sang-bong, president of the Cheongju Museum of Art.

The 2023 Daecheongho Environmental Art Festival, which will be held outside the Daecheongho Museum of Art until Jun. 18 in conjunction with the The Space of Water, will be held under the theme of TIme of Water: Forty-Three Springs. Outdoor installation pieces with the themes of social water, the relationship between water and civilization, and remembering about submerged things are slated to be showcased.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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