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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju to Establish Eco-Friendly and Smart Pest Control System in 2023
Writer Cheongju
Subject - The city government plans to boost efficiency on pest control scientifically and systematically.
- Eco-friendly pest control system with insect traps

Cheongju City announced on Feb. 28 that it will commence building eco-friendly pest control measures using a smart pest control system.

▶ Implementation of scientific and systematic pest control

Cheongju is planning to install and operate a digital mosquito monitoring system (DMS) around mosquito-rich areas in downtown.

That is, the city government is transforming its pest control system from existing sporadic and periodic system to a scientific system.

DMS emits carbon dioxide around the clock to lure the mosquitos within 100 m radius. And then the machine sucks the air to catch the mosquitos.

The city government is set to spend KRW 65 million on installing DMS devices in 10 downtown and residential areas within 4 districts next month. The system will be in operation for 6 months from May to October.

In addition, Cheongju is planning to monitor mosquito occurrence with a help of a protection geographical information system provided by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency.

Through an advanced IT-based geographical information monitoring system using a wireless communication technology, the number of mosquitoes trapped in the DMS can be observed and this can lead to a selective and concentrated pest control.

Cheongju is also slated to prevent residents from catching infectious diseases from mosquitoes and create further preventive measures by getting reports on types of trapped mosquitoes from Chungbuk Research Institute of Public Health and Environment.

By taking advantage of such supports from the institute, the city government anticipates prevention of environment pollution and ecological disturbance by blocking infections from mosquitoes with preemptive control and reducing imprudent spray of pesticides.
▶ Eco-friendly pest control using insect traps

In order to carry out efficient pest control measures in the summer, Cheongju City will install additional eco-friendly pest traps.

An eco-friendly insect trap, installed around flashing street lamps, is equipment built for eradicating harmful winged insects, such as mosquitoes and midges, using light and wave length.

This low-cost high-efficiency eco-friendly pest control equipment does not require pesticides.

Since 2015, Cheongju has been actively countering harmful insects with 35 eco-friendly insect traps installed around public facilities like Kim Soo-nyung Archery Center, Ochang Lake Park, and Munam Ecological Park.

The city government announced its plan of installing 30 additional eco-friendly traps mainly around sports facilities and pavilions where lots of foot traffic is expected. The pest traps will be in operation for seven months from April to November.

The city government will do its utmost in creating safe and clean environment for residents through strict pest control measures.

A Cheongju official stated, "Taking account of impacts on natural ecosystem from the usage of pest control measures, Cheongju City is planning to execute field-specific preventive measures at each season. We will do our best in creating a pleasant and safe environment for citizens' leisure and health."
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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