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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title ‘Future Heritages of Cheongju’ That Capture the Citizens’ Sentiment
Writer Cheongju
Subject On the 5th, Cheongju City announced that it selected “Future Heritages of Cheongju” and granted the title to the local heritages that are worth being handed down to our future generations.

The city compiled a list of 139 spaces, locations, and landscapes that carry Cheongu people’s stories based on recommendations from the residents. After conducting an expert review and seeking consent with the owners, it selected 23 Future Heritages of Cheongju.

The Future Heritages of Cheongju include Culture Factory and Dongbu Changko, a former center of modern industries transformed into a cultural space, and Deokseong Barber, which preserves the look of a retro barber shop and is still crowded with regular customers. Other spots that made to the list are places that are deeply engraved in the daily lives of Cheongju people such as Jungang Park and Cherry Blossom Road along Musimcheon Stream in the city center that contain the past and present of the city.

During the process of selecting the Future Heritages, the city discovered a new piece of information. Originally, it was known that the beginning of Cheongju Tobacco Plant was a raw ingredient processing plant founded in 1946. However, it was newly discovered that a warehouse that re-dried raw ingredients was operating on the site in 1939.

A city official said, “We focused on preserving the sentimental values that remain in the Cheongju people’s memories when selecting the Future Heritages of Cheongju. We will continue to expand the list by discovering spaces and places that capture people’s livelihood.”

In the future, Cheongju city will produce and install sign posts to mark the Future Heritages of Cheongju and launch various promotional activities including a national video production contest on the theme Future Heritages of Cheongju in April this year.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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