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Title Cheongju City Library Launches 2024 Book Delivery Service
Writer Cheongju
Subject Cheongju City Library launches 2024 book delivery service
- Expanding the program to 14 libraries from a pilot program for 3 libraries last year

The Cheongju City Library announced on the Jan. 9 that it will launch 2024 Book Delivery Service to deliver library books to houses without charge.

The service aims to provide easier access to the library's service by delivering books to the houses of the information-alienated groups that have difficulty visiting the library.

The pilot service started with three libraries last year—the city library, Ochanghosu Lake, and Osong—and it will be expanded to 14 libraries in Cheongju: City Library, Ochanghosu Lake, Osong, Sangdang, Cheongwon, Ochang, Geumbit, Naesu, Seowon, Heungduk, Sinyeulbong, Gangnae, Oksan, and Garosu libraries.

Users can borrow up to 5 books for 30 days by delivery twice a month.

Those who are over 65, pregnant, parents with babies younger than 36 months old (born in 2022–2024), married immigrants, residents of small towns without libraries are eligible for the service.

The application is available now. To sign up for the service, download the application form from the library’s website, fill it out, and submit it to the 14 designated libraries of Cheongju or send it by email to lib-cj@naver.com.

Applicants for the service are required to submit documents to verify their eligibility. The documents include documents indicating birth date, such as an ID card, for citizens over 65. Pregnant women can submit pregnancy certificate or maternal notebook. Parents of babies younger than 36 months old can present family relation certificate, or resident registration certificate. Married immigrants can submit resident registration certificate or residence card. Residents of small towns can present documents that show the address. The documents can be submitted along with the application form.

Those selected for the service will be reached individually to provide guidelines on the service and can borrow and return books through the Cheongju City Library website until the end of the year.

More detailed information can be found on the Cheongju City Library’s website, and inquiries can be made by phone (+82-43-201-4083).
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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