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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City Switches its Disease Surveillance System With COVID-19 Becoming a 4th-degree Infectious Disease
Writer Cheongju
Subject - Wearing of masks indoors remains mandatory to protect high-risk facilities and groups -

On August 31, the Korean government declared COVID-19 from a 2nd-degree infectious disease to a 4th-degree infectious disease. Accordingly, Cheongju City announced that it would switch its COVID-19 disease surveillance system from mandatory surveillance to sentinel surveillance.

This means that the city will no longer conduct epidemiological surveys of all confirmed cases; instead, it will investigate the prevalence of the disease through five sample (positive) surveillance centers (Hankook General Hospital, Chungbuk National University Hospital, Bestian Hospital, Hana General Hospital, and Cheongju St. Mary's Hospital).

Cheongju City will also remove the designation of 216 respiratory care centers (including one-stop care centers) and transition to a medical system in which all medical facilities treat COVID-19 outpatients.

At the same time, the city will expand the list of healthcare providers and pharmacies allowed to prescribe COVID-19 oral treatments to include early treatment of high-risk groups, such as those aged 60 or above or those over 12 years with underlying and anti-immune diseases.

The city also announced measures to protect high-risk groups and facilities vulnerable to infection. It will still mandate the wearing of masks in hospital-level medical institutions and residential care facilities, as well as provide free testing at local screening centers so that patients, resident caregivers and workers in vulnerable facilities can be tested as needed before entering a medical institution.

Support for high-risk groups will continue, including free COVID-19 treatments and vaccines, and partial coverage of hospitalization costs for critically ill patients.

On the other hand, the transition to a 4th degree will terminate medical consultation and administrative guidance centers to support home treatment, as well as living expenses for households below 100% of the median income and paid vacation expenses for businesses with fewer than 30 employees.

A city official said, "Despite the transition of COVID-19 to a 4th-degree infectious disease, if you have symptoms, please take personal preventive measures in your daily life, such as wearing a mask, regular ventilation, and proper hand washing. We will operate a permanent surveillance system for high-risk groups and ensure intensive management of vulnerable facilities."
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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