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Cheongju City



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Title Achievement of Collecting 1,100 Citizen Records by Cheongju Archives
Writer Cheongju
Subject Cheongju Archives collected 1,100 pieces through collecting citizen records.

Cheongju Archives opened a contest for collecting records from the 1900s to the 2000s targeting all citizens for two months from July to August under the topic of “Searching for the Records of Our Root.”

Most of the collected pieces are photos including slide films, booklets, maps, and documents.

Among the donors, Park Hee-dong (age 70, from Gaesin-dong, Cheongju) drew attention for donating the most records.

Park donated about 6,00 pieces such as photos of Musimcheon Stream and Mihogang River as well as landscape photos of Cheongju.

The photos not only contain various events hosted in Musimcheon Stream, but also the view of citizens enjoying cherry blossoms.

Park commented, “I took many photos of Cheongju with passion in the past, and I decided to donate these photos wishing to share it with many others.”

Nam Yo-seop (age 72, from Uncheon-dong, Cheongju), known as the best collector in the Cheongju region, also donated many of his collected records.

He donated about 50 records related to Musimcheon Stream and Cheongju that he collected while working as a public official. Among his donations, the map of Downtown Cheongju that depicts Mihogang River and Musimcheon Stream and a photo of the cherry blossom festival gathered much attention.

Nam said, “After a specific event, related materials are commonly discarded, but I kept them all because I became attached to them. It made me think back of the old times when I looked at the photos again.”

Although most donors were Cheongju citizens, there were also some foreigners.

Steven Shields (age 60, from USA) donated 60 photos including photos of Musimcheon Stream in the 1970s.

Shields donated photos of the roads, city hall, market, village landscape, schools, and students from when he was active as a missionary.

In particular, the photo of planting rice together with farmers in the rice paddies and eating snacks can draw a smile on your face.

He commented, “I still spend a lot of time in Korea because of my work, and when I heard Cheongju was looking for records of Cheongju in the past, I decided to donate my photos I was treasuring. I am happy to be able to decorate a page in Cheongju's history, and I wish many visitors can recollect their memories of the past as my photos are stored and exhibited in Cheongju Archives.”

Cheongju Archives will organize these records according to content and type to store and exhibit in the Citizen Record Hall (tentative) which will open its doors to citizens in December. Donators will also be invited to deliver a letter of appreciation.

A city official stated, “We greatly appreciate everyone who took interest and participated in the citizen record collection contest. We will try our best to focus on collecting citizen records to become a cultural creative city.”
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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