The Street of Letter
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- The Street of Letter
The Street of Letter

In Commemoration of Cheongju International Printing and Publishing Expo 2000 The Street of letter.
This place is the street of letter gathering the alphabets from all parts of the world.
The letters are not only the most useful communicating method, but also valuable property and precious cultural inheritances filled with the sprit and life of their own language users.
Therefore, letters will be used as long as humankind exists.
There are letters used by one nation or various nations and nations using several letters.
Cheongju is the historical city of Jikji, oldest book made by metal printing type in the world, which was printed in 1377(A.D.), the end of the Goryeo Dynasty.
The metal printing type, one of the excellent printing methods, represents the equality of information and the common use of knowledge as well as being the symbol of humankind's cultural development.
As a starting point of the information revolution, Cheongju is a place full of pride.
For the commemoration of historical meaning, we inscribe many of the letters being used nowadays throughout the world.