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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Archives Returns the Memories of Citizens
Writer Cheongju
Subject - Videotape digital conversion service offered by Cheongju Archives a big hit with citizens -

The videotape conversion service promoted by Cheongju Archives (President Lee Kyung-ran) and the Cultural City Center of the Cheongju Cultural Industry Promotion Foundation (President Byeon Gwang-seop) to commemorate the opening of the Citizens Record Hall is earning positive responses.

In honor of the opening of the Citizen Record Hall, the two organizations launched a digital conversion service for videotapes on January 22nd under the name, "Re:format_We return your memories."

With the development of electronic devices and the introduction of smartphones, videocassettes and videotapes, which were primarily used between the 1980s and 1990s, are now obsolete recording media.

The memories recorded on videotapes are now inaccessible.

In response, Cheongju Archives provided a service that converts analog videotapes to digital in order to give citizens back their cherished memories. By converting to digital, people can now watch videos on their computer or smartphone at any time, from any location.

Within one week of the service's launch, Cheongju Archives received requests from hundreds of citizens to convert around 200 videotapes and cassettes.

The majority of the videotapes documented presentations of children at daycare centers, the 60th and 70th birthday parties of parents, weddings, and honeymoons.

Citizens expressed their appreciation for the service as they enjoyed viewing the digitally converted videos.

"My mother was sad because she wanted to watch the video of her 60th birthday party again, but she did not have a VCR, so I'm really excited thinking about showing my mother this digital video,” said Kim Eun-joo (52, female, from Naesu-eup, Cheongwon-gu).

"I submitted a video I recorded when my children were young out of curiosity. I thought I'd never be able to watch it again, so I'm thrilled to be able to do so and reflect on the past. The picture quality is also better than expected, so it's really amazing,” said Park Gyeong-ok (60, female, from Bokdae-dong, Heungdeok-gu).

Cheongju Archives, while actively reflecting the interest of the local populace, is seeking ways to provide this service on a more permanent basis.

Lee Kyung-ran, the president of Cheongju Archives, stated, "There is a saying that 'memories become memories when they are recorded,' and I feel very rewarded to carry out this project of returning back citizens' memories." He added, "Since we are getting requests to continue the service, discussions are underway to provide it on a permanent basis.”
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