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City News

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title How About an Autumn Night Stroll at Myeongam Reservoir?
Writer Landscape Team
Subject The Cheongju City Government announced that it has completed the night scenery improvement project at Myeongam Reservoir in Yongdam-dong, Sangdang-gu, the main resting area and walking course for Cheongju citizens.

The city has decided to promote the project in order to light up the dark streets at Myeongam Reservoir and make the citizens safe at night and provide new things to see.

Construction for the reservoir kicked off in May last year, costing about KRW 800 million, and it was recently completed.

Bollard lighting and gobo lighting with various patterns were installed for a safe, enjoyable walking environment, and crescent moon-shaped lighting and line lighting were installed on the observation deck, which has become a popular photo zone.

The lasers that are made to look like sparkling fireflies attract citizens’ attention with a fantastic night scenery, establishing themselves as a new attraction of Cheongju.

Additionally, 20 dandelion lights, 18 moon and rabbit lights, 64 tree projection lights, 3 tree lights, and 2 media poles were installed to create a beautiful night scenery of Myeongam Reservoir.

A city official said, “We will continue to promote various landscape projects to improve the city’s aesthetics and to provide beautiful resting areas to offer some solace to the citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

▶Inquiry: Landscape Team, Architecture Design Division (☎+82-043-201-2553)
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