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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Fully vaccinated illegal residents will be exempted from fine and entry restrictions when they voluntarily leave Korea
Writer Ministry of Justice
Subject Fully vaccinated illegal residents will be
exempted from fine and entry restrictions when
they voluntarily leave Korea

□ The Ministry of Justice will exempt fully vaccinated illegal residents from
fine and suspend entry restrictions if they voluntarily leave Korea. This
will be effective from 12 October 2021.
○ This applies to illegal foreign residents who are already fully vaccinated
before 12 October 2021 and those to be vaccinated in Korea by 31
December 2021.
☞ Exception applies to foreign nationals who are/were transferred to the
police for being involved in (a) criminal offence(s) or infringements of
Covid restrictions.
○ Foreign nationals who completed a single-dose Jansen vaccination or a
double-dose Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca vaccination will be eligible
for the incentives described above when they voluntarily leaving Korea,
despite being fully vaccinated for less than 14 days.
☞ A proof of vaccination (COOV e-certification or a printed version) needs
to be submitted.
○ Fine exemption and a suspension of entry restrictions are incentives
granted to illegal residents voluntarily leaving Korea after being fully
vaccinated by 31 December 2021 in the country.
○ This scheme will be temporarily effective from 12 October 2021 until the
date of further notice*.
* The final day of applying this scheme will be announced after
considering the Covid situation in the country. □ Fully vaccinated illegal residents can visit an immigration office in person
or apply online for Preliminary Declaration of Voluntary Departure and be
exempted from fine and a suspension of entry restrictions at the (air)port
of on the day of departure.
□ Please reach the Immigration Contact Centre by calling 1345 for details
and interpretations.

Contact information
Call 02-1345
Immigration Contact
Centre of the
Ministry of Justice

Service hours
24 hours
09:00 ~ 18:00

Languages available
English, Chinese
Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, Russian,
Mongolian, Bengali, Urdu, Nepali, Cambodian, Burmese,
French, German, Spanish, Tagalog, Arabic, Tami
File 첨부파일(pdf파일) (영문)백신접종 불법체류외국인 자진출국 안내문.pdf(영문)백신접종 불법체류외국인 자진출국 안내문.pdf 바로보기
첨부파일(jpg파일) (영어)법무부_불법체류 외국인 백신인센티브 카드뉴스.jpg(영어)법무부_불법체류 외국인 백신인센티브 카드뉴스.jpg 바로보기
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