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Title Restrictions on Class 5 Vehicle Emissions to Resume From July
Writer Fine Dust Team
Subject Upon the termination of the temporary postponement as of June 30, Cheongju City Government will resume restricting the operation of high-emission vehicles rated Class 5 starting July 2021. The enactment of such limitations has been initiated since September last year.

Vehicles applied for low pollutant emission or inappropriate for smoke reduction equipment (undeveloped) are subject to resumed operation restrictions.

The city government also plans to issue emergency measures to reduce high-concentration particulate matter (PM) after July, and high-emission Class 5 vehicles will be limited for operation from this point on.

Regulations will be enforced every weekday from 6 AM to 9 PM, excluding weekends and holidays, after emergency PM reduction measures are announced.

The regulation team will monitor violators through the surveillance cameras installed on 16 main roads of Cheongju City and penalize KRW 100,000 up to once a day for vehicles in violation.

Vehicles not subject to regulations are: ▲ commercial vehicles; ▲ emergency motor vehicles; ▲ disability-customized vehicles; ▲ occupational vehicles used by persons of distinguished service to the state (Ratings 1 to 7); and ▲ vehicles equipped with smoke reduction equipment or that replaced with low pollutant emission engines.

Emergency PM reduction measures are usually issued for short-term air quality improvement in the winter and spring seasons when high-concentration PM is expected or prolonged.

Chungcheongbuk-do Province had executed limitations of high-emission vehicles rated Class 5 since September 2020 and announced emergency PM reduction measures once on February 14, but there were no crackdowns since it was a holiday.

Emergency text messages are sent via mobile phones at 5 PM the day before the emergency measure execution. Anyone can apply for messaging services via the Vehicle Emissions Grading System website of the Ministry of Environment for additional information.

Vehicles categorized under Class 5 are diesel cars with emissions permitted before July 1, 2002 and gasoline cars with emissions allowed before 1987. Class 5 vehicles usually concern diesel cars produced before 2005, but some vehicles manufactured after 2006 might exceptionally be a target, so owners must check on this matter.

To check the emissions class, please contact KT Life Information Services (☎+82-43-114) or visit the Vehicle Emissions Grading System website of the Ministry of Environment.

Since 2017, Cheongju City Government has been controlling the operations of Class 5 vehicles through a low-pollution regulation project to reduce the main factor of PM emissions.

The government secured KRW 18.95 billion for the project budget by greatly enlarging project supplies and has been implementing the project by selecting 4,064 early scrapped old cars and 2,155 smoke reduction equipment upon application last February.

However, due to the remaining budget of the early car scrapping project, the city government will hold additional applications this September.

A city official said, “The emergency PM restriction measures usually take place in winter and spring when particulate matter reaches its peak, so we recommend drivers of Class 5 vehicles to use public transportation instead of driving their cars on the emergency measure execution date. The emergency PM reduction measures are enforced nationwide, and the Seoul metropolitan area enforces annual seasonal crackdowns from December to March next year. So, we ask for your active interest and participation in our ongoing Low Emission Zone (LEZ) project.”

▶ Inquiry: Fine Dust Team, Climate and Air Quality Division (☎+82-43-201-4983)
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