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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Enjoy beautiful parks in the safety of your home!
Writer Parks Management Division
Subject With the resurgence of COVID-19, Cheongju is providing a variety of online forest experience programs to help citizens enjoy parks on a spring day in a safe way.

Starting on the 13th, Cheongju will start the “Live Guided Tour of the Forest” and “Guided Tour of a Forest in Photos” programs on Tuesday-Saturday every week.

Anyone can sign up to participate by searching “Cheongju Online Forest Experience” on NAVER Band.

The Live Guided Tour of the Forest starts at 11 AM on every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

This program will be held on various subjects relating to the ecology of parks, such as ▲lectures on ecological education (wild animals and reptiles, etc.), ▲creating pet plants (hydroponic plants and terrarium, etc.), and ▲a guided tour of a forest of trees, and more.

During the live program, participants can make comments, ask questions, and participate in quiz events in real time, which will make the experience feel more “in the moment.”

The Guided Tour of a Forest in Photos program is provided on every Wednesday and Friday.

A forest tour guide will provide a tour through a park, depicting its changes and various aspects in each season, along with hidden stories to help participants enjoy a vivid experience without having to physically visit the park.

There will also be a variety of other participatory events to bring energy and fun to citizens trapped in their homes, such as ▲Writing Comments to Overcome COVID-19 Wisely, ▲an online quiz show, and ▲a self-experience kit and videos to celebrate Family Month.

“We prepared beneficial and interesting contactless programs to help citizens enjoy parks safely in the COVID-19 era,” said an official at the Cheongju City Government. “We look forward to your interest and active participation in the programs.”

Inquiries: Citizens’ Leisurely Activities Team, Parks Management Division (☎ +82-43-201-4449)
이전글 Cheongju Garosu Library, the 14th public library, ing on the 29th
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