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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju-si Strengthens Control on a Dog Identification Tag
Writer Animal Protection Team
Subject Cheonju-si will be taking intensive control of dog owners who fail to attach a dog identification tag starting from this month.

According to the current Animal Protection Act, owners of animal subject to registration (dog) must attach an identification tag including the owner’s name, contact number, and animal registration number on the animal when taking the animal out from home.

Most owners are aware of animal registration with the consistent promotion on the animal registration system, but on the other hand, many don’t know that it is required to attach an identification tag when going out.

The city will organize an inspection team to publicize the attachment of an identification tag, companion animal registration, wearing of a leash when going out, and collection of excreta and to promote active guidance and crackdown.

The intensive control period will be continued until the last day of this year and periodic crackdowns will be carried out even after this period ends.

“We will continue to work hard to prevent abandoned animals and implant the right companion animal culture in the mind of citizens,” said the city official.

▶ Inquiry: Animal Protection Team, Animal Husbandry Division (☎+82-43-201-2297)
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