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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Air Seoul launches its first route between Cheongju and Jeju
Writer Tourism Marketing Team
Subject Air Seoul Co., Ltd. (“Air Seoul”) will launch a new route between Cheongju and Jeju from the 8th.
To this end, Cheongju signed an agreement with Air Seoul on tourism and marketing at the Jikji Room of City Hall on the 7th and agreed to cooperate to boost tourism in Cheongju, which has suffered due to prolonged CODIV-19.
The agreement stipulates joint marketing and tourism cooperation following the launch of the new route between Cheongju and Jeju by Air Seoul, and joint tourism marketing to attract domestic tourists to Cheongju.
Under the agreement entered between the two parties, the city will use various promotional channels, including Air Seoul’s website, to provide tourist information on Cheongju for domestic tourists entering the Cheongju International Airport.
Also in preparation for the post-COVID-19 era, the city is also promoting tourism in Cheongju through specialized marketing suitable for the times, such as small trips based on the uncontact (non-face-to-face) and Ontact (on-line face-to-face) methods, and safe and clean tourism.
Kim Hang-seop, Deputy Mayor of Cheongju, said, “We hope that this tourism cooperation will vitalize the tourism in Cheongju, which has been staggering due to COVID-19. We will continue to make various efforts for the aviation and tourism industries to overcome the COVID-19 crisis.”
The Cheongju-Jeju route, Air Seoul’s first route departing from outside Seoul, will be launched at 10:20 am, October 8, operating three flights per day.

▶ Inquiries: Tourism Marketing Team, Tourism Policy Division (☎043-201-1794)
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