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Title Commencement of the Gardening Festival 2019
Writer Park Creation Division
Subject Commencement of the Gardening Festival 2019
- Accompanied by Exhibition of 28 Gardens, Introduction to Garden Culture, and Cultural Performances –

Cheongju City will be holding the Gardening Festival 2019 at Munam Ecological Park from May 30 to June 2.

This year’s festivities were designed around the theme of “Planting the Seeds of Laughter through Gardens”, and will allow visitors to experience gardening culture through exhibitions of model gardens and gardens created through citizen participation as well as a wide lineup of citizen participation garden experiences programs.

The standout difference of this year’s festival is the exhibition of 7 model gardens (each 60m2 in size), which were chosen through expert participation for the sake of developing practical model gardens that could be applied to real life.

Alongside these model gardens are 20 (each 4m2 in size) citizen gardens that derived inspiration from the unique ideas of students and citizens alike, as well as the corporate garden (100m2) designed by SK FOREST Co., Ltd., bringing the total number of gardens to 28.

Awards such as the Minister of Korea Forest Service’s Award will be presented to particularly outstanding gardens during the opening ceremony on May 30, and the model gardens and corporate garden will be kept and maintained permanently, not just throughout the duration of the festival but even after it has concluded.

The festival will feature hands-on events such as the DIY ‘Family Flowerpot Crafting’ event, making wreaths with dried flowers, attending the ‘Citizen Garden Video Lecture’ to take the first step into gardening in just 5 minutes, and the ‘Exhibition Garden Tour with Commentary.’

Visitors to the venue can also enjoy directly participating in and experiencing programs such as the calligraphy experience or bookmark crafting program.

The festival will also be abound with performances, ranging from busking to garden cinemas and sand art performances.

Those seeking a more relaxing experience, away from the hubbub, can devote themselves to reading in the garden book café, while those feeling peckish can head to the food trucks, which are always ready to serve up food to visitors during the festival period.

A city official stated, “We are working to prepare an event where people can forget about the burdens of everyday life and relax their weary bodies and minds through gardens”, and continued, saying, “We will make sure that citizens can take a breather from their daily lives and recharge.”

▶ Inquiries: Green Space Creation Team, Park Creation Division (☎043-201-2802)
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