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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City promotes an atmosphere of health among citizens’ daily lives
Writer Division of Health Policies, Division of Health Promotion
Subject - Cheongju Public Health Center leads citizens’ health through various programs including an anti-smoking campaign and a Walking Cheongju campaign.

Cheongju City conducts a yearly health survey for the local community in order to provide appropriate health and medical services by taking in the health needs of its citizens. In particular, this year the City has been recognized in the 2015 local community health survey for health projects that meet the need of local communities such as anti-smoking campaigns. This recognition led to an award by the Minister of Health and Welfare and selection as an exemplary institution. The survey results show that the percentage of citizens walking regularly increased while smoking rates decreased.

▶ Cheongju City’s percentage of citizens walking regularly increased while obesity rates fell. According to a local community health survey conducted by Cheongju City in 2015 for adults aged 19 or older, those who practice regular walking increased by 7.9% to 45.6% from 37.7% in 2014. The obesity rate dropped by 1.4% points from 26.7% in 2014 to 25.3% in 2015.

Cheongju City’s Health Center (in Sangdang, Seohwon, Heungdeok and Cheongwon) has launched a walking campaign aimed at all citizens to promote a healthy lifestyle. The City signed an agreement on collaboration with 13 organizations in the public and private sectors as well as in the academia, including five universities including Chungbuk University and six medical institutions including the Chungbuk branch of the Korean Association of Hospitals. In May, the first Cheongju Citizens’ Walking Campaign took place with over 1,700 citizens, and in June the second Campaign took place with more than 2,000 participants. The Health Center is planning to host the third and fourth Walking Campaign in 2016, too.

▶ Smoking rates among men in Cheongju City fell and Cheongju City’s Health Center pushes ahead various anti-smoking campaigns According to the 2015 local community health survey, the smoking rate among men in Cheongju City decreased from 44.1% in 2014 to 38.5% in 2015, by 5.6%.

Cheongju City’s Health Center designated smoke-free areas within the city in 2015 and established ordinances to prevent second-hand smoking. A total of 4,493 areas in or near urban parks, bus stops or gas recharge stations were designated as smoke-free zones. Moreover, for the first time in Chungbuk, an anti-smoking bell was installed at bus stops to make public announcements about the initiative. Anti-smoking apartments and smoking prevention programs for the youth and children also contribute to promoting a culture that discourages smoking. Tailored anti-smoking clinics and mobile clinics that visit business sites, review of how anti-smoking zones are being upheld in public areas and a collaborative system with the police have allowed the City to proactively push ahead with its anti-smoking campaign and encourage citizens to report any violations.

Cheongju City’s Health Center plans to continue counseling for those wishing to quit smoking, provide items that help them quit and other programs that can limit the damage from smoking.

▶ 2016 local community health survey will take place from August 16 to October 31. Cheongju City’s Health Center will conduct the 2016 local community health survey from August 16 to October 31. The survey is conducted each year across the country simultaneously as stipulated in law. The survey is used to gather basic statistics on what the health levels of people in different regions are to establish policies that bater cater to the health needs of citizens.

This survey was conducted on an average of 900 people per district, with adults aged 19 or older being subjects. Survey officers visited each sample household to take note of their health-related habits, vaccination, medical check-up status, disease status, usage of medical facilities, accidents or addictions, limit to mobility and quality of life, usage of healthcare facilities, social and physical environment, cardiac arrest, education and economic activities and household situation. A total of 181 questions were used in one on one interviews.

A representative of the Health Center noted that “the survey results will be used to further promote the health of residents” and asked for full cooperation if the survey officer visits. He also added that it would be a great opportunity for people to review their family’s health and lifestyle habits.

Inquiries: Health Planning Team, Division of Health Policies (☎043-201-3101)
Inquiries: Health Promotion Team, Division of Health Promotion (☎201-3181)
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