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City News

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Joint Crackdown on Illegal Motorcycles for Three Months from October
Writer Inspection Team
Subject The Cheongju City Vehicle Registration Office, jointly with the National Police Agency, police stations, and Korea Transportation Safety Authority, will crack down on illegal motorcycles and traffic violations, such as damaged license plates and illegal modifications, for three months from October.

As the motorcycle delivery service has been activated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an increase in accidents caused by reckless driving—for example, illegal motorcycles and traffic violations—are emerging as a social issue.

Illegal motorcycles with covered, damaged, or removed license plates, in particular, have a higher chance of threatening the safety of citizens through reckless driving and traffic violations; thus, raising the need for an intensive crackdown.

Accordingly, this joint crackdown consists of the violation of the Motor Vehicle Management Act (supervised by the Cheongju City Government)—report of non-use of a license plate, failure to attach a license plate, damaged or·covered license plate, or illegal turning (LED, silencer, etc.)—and violation of the Road Traffic Act (supervised by police stations) by motorcycles—including driving on sidewalks, traffic violations, failure to wear a helmet, violation of the obligation to protect pedestrians, and driving over the median lane.

A city official said, “We hope that this intensive joint crackdown will serve as an opportunity to promote administrative measures actively such as restoration orders and prosecutions against illegal motorcycles that threaten traffic safety. Please report illegal motorcycles through online reporting sites such as Safety e-Report.”

▶Inquiry: Inspection Team, Cheongju Vehicle Registration Office (☎+82-43-201-4962)
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