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Title Happiness helper of Cheongju citizen, “Cheongju 365 civil service call center”
Writer Department of living safety Civil complaint call management team
Subject -Daily inconvenience solved with just one call… high satisfaction of the people - Cheongju-si has formally opened "Cheongju 364 civil service call center" on May 9 2016 under the goal of "opened administration communicating with citizen", unified civil service counseling number to 201-0001 and solving various civil complaints or curiosity of people with one phone number 365 days a year which is received quiet well by the people.▶ Solve curiosity with just one call Before there was call center, citizen who needed telephone counseling did not know but to call the organization and requested to get through to the person in charge. It is lucky to get through to the person in charge at once, but if the line is on hold, they had to go through much difficulty to get answer.
So, Cheongju-si apprehended the limitation in telephone counseling, and to provide efficient counseling service, they built "Cheongju 364 civil service call center", tested the service for 4 months fro January 2016, and formally opened the service on May 9, 2016.
Current center has key number (201-1001), and other 5 numbers (city hall, 4 gu offices, Baro call) to automatically connect to professional counselor.
Counselor accurately apprehended the demand, utilize counseling DB to directly get answer for the demand, or if there is a need for in-depth counseling, get the connection through to the person in charge of each department.
Citizens who had difficulty in getting answer, now can get kind and accurate answer from the counseling with one call which has improved credibility of the city administration. Also, the public officers are now able to concentrate on their own tasks after the center managing the counseling, which has improved efficiency of city administration.
▶ About 1,100 civil complaint calls per day Cheongju 365 civil service call center has processed 193, 489 cases until December 2016 since opening, 1100 calls per day with 98.8% of high response rate and solved curiosities of people. First processing rate which the counselor directly answer to demand was 72.3% which is comparatively higher than other centers.
As for the counseling type, transportation related call was the highest occupying 19.9% of call, 16.9% for tax related call, 12.3% for real estate related call, 11.9% for health environment related, 8.8% for general civil complaint related, 8.0% for general administration related, 7.1% for welfare culture related, 5.6% for water supplement related, 4.0% for agriculture related, 3.6% for living complaint related, 1.9% for economic investment related.
Especially, living complaint which had difficulty connecting through was changed to counselor directly registering on the system right after the call and solve the problem in fast speed from registration to processing which is highly received by the people. Living complaint calls recorded 12,4385 cases which is 7 times larger than the number of registered cases(1710 cases) through Baro call last year. Also, through continuous call center promotion, the proportion of direct call to call center key number(201-0001) increased from 15% to 54% on December 2016 and became the number one hot spot of communication channel of Cheongju people.
▶ Let‘s build Cheongju, the city of happy citizen together!
There were problems at the beginning of service due to unstable system and clumsy reaction of counselors, but during the test operation period, the errors were actively managed and through the stabilization period, it has become the popular counseling channel of Cheongju.
It is the result of endless effort of Cheongju-si officials and call center counselor. The city has conducted more than 20times of employee workshop and operation presentation during the first half of 2016 to improve the awareness of employees and constructed more than 1000 counseling DB which is the basis of counseling.
Also, to manage emotional stress and service will of counselors, the city has conducted various psychological education and promotion and improved the quality of counseling. As the results, there are compliments from citizen every day saying "we like call center", "thank you for your kind answer" on websites or through phone call.
Cheongju-si is not settling down for current accomplishment, but is constructing extra system for counseling DB to enhance connection to call center, expand the range of counseling to provide more happiness and satisfaction to the citizen.
▶Inquiry : Department of living safety Civil complaint call management team (☎201-2983)
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