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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Integrated Cheongju-si appointed #1 Rural Experience Tourism Village
Writer Agricultural Policy Division
Subject Integrated Cheongju-si appointed #1 Rural Experience Tourism Village
- Ilwon Dorojum Village 265-2, Daedeok-ri, Miwon-myeon -

Cheongju-si appointed Ilwon Dorojum Village 265-2, Daedeok-ri, Miwon-myeon, Sangdang-gu as #1 business operator for the Rural Experience Tourism Village.

Now eight places become the Rural Experience Tourism Village including Gadeok Malmi Market Place, Miwon-myeon and Sagwa Village of Ungyo-ri, Beollat Hanji Village of Munui-ri, Godeumi Village of Nangseong-myeon, Ohbaksa Village of Hyeondo-myeon, in which natural environment linked experiences such as rural culture experience, home stay, processing agricultural products will be promoted.

Dorojum Village (the representative, Byon Sangdeok) has participated several programs of Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs during 2012-2015, which are infrastructure expansion for basic living, boosting regional income program, improvement project for local scenery, local capacity building project have been successfully completed in the area of 10.83㎢, Daedeok-ri and Hwawon-ri of Miwon-myeon.

The area has also successfully completed for the 1st stage of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project for the turtle area, and boasts of its first class water quality since the area is near Jwagusan Mountain in Daedeok-ri and Hwawon-ri of Miwon-myeon.

In addition, neighboring Daedeok forest recreation area is the original upper region of the clean reservoir of Guryongsan Mountain and has been gotten attentions for summer resort for family.

The appointment of the Village as a Rural Experience Tourism Village may provide urban residents diverse agricultural experiencing and recreational programs and lodgings, and foods as well as makes direct transaction of agricultural and regional products utilizing the natural environment and local traditional culture.

A City Official commented "the Village has been appointed as a new Rural Experience Tourism Village in 5 years. So we are expecting that the Village can contribute balanced regional development through improvement of economic vitality and the exchanges between cities and agricultural areas while urban residents experience agricultural life"

▶Inquiry: Urban and Rural Interchange team of Agricultural Policy Division (☎201-2121)
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