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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Have a unique cultural experience at the ‘Smart Museum’ inside the Cheongju Museum of Art!
Writer Cheongju
Subject The Cheongju Museum of Art was selected for the ‘Smart Museum and Art Gallery Foundation Project’ by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2021 and opened a ‘Smart Museum’ after completing the project in July.

The Cheongju Museum of Art created a ‘Smart Museum’ where immersive content is provided through Industry 4.0 specific technology (AR, VR, etc.) to become an advanced digital museum.

The Smart Museum offers four types of content: digital immersive videos, a VR experience, Bok-jin Kim’s artworks using AR, and digital archives. The content is available at the Cheongju Museum of Art and the Cheongju Art Studio.

The Cheongju Museum of Art—Bok-jin Kim’s artworks using VR and AR technology
The digital immersive video presented at the immersive digital gallery by the Cheongju Museum of Art introduces 29 artworks that belong to the museum. The digital immersive video consists of 3 sessions: Media art, Wonderland live drawing (Drawing experience), and Artwork introduction (epilogue). If you draw something at the kiosk in front of the gallery before watching the video, your drawing will appear in the second session of Wonderland live drawing. The digital immersive video will be available between 11 AM. and 3 PM, from Tuesday to Sunday, without requiring any prior reservation.

The VR experience offered by the Cheongju Museum of Art includes exhibition tours of the annex (Cheongju Art Studio, Ochang Gallery, Daecheong ho Art Museum) and Maitreya Buddha at Beopjusa Temple by sculptor Bok-jin Kim. The VR experience of Maitreya Buddha at Beopjusa Temple by sculptor Bok-jin Kim allows you to produce his lost artwork and understand his art world. The VR experience runs twice a day at 11 AM and 2 PM, from Tuesday to Saturday. Visitors can register for the VR experience on site and up to four people per session can enjoy the experience.

Another content related to the sculptor Bok-jin Kim is ‘Bok-jin Kim’s artworks using AR.’ His representative artworks, including “Boy (1940),” “White Flower (1938),” and “Maitreya Buddha at Beopjusa Temple (1940)” are reproduced in 3D. Scan the artworks to enjoy them after downloading the Cheongju Museum of Art AR app.

- The Cheongju Museum of Art–Digital archive
The digital archive at the lobby on the first floor of the Cheong Art Studio embodies immersive content that all visual materials from artists of the Cheongju Museum of Art are digitally converted to. Visual materials of all artists can be browsed by genre, artist and exhibition at the kiosk in the lobby and the selected material can be sent to the Multiview video wall, so that you can watch it on a vibrant, big screen. The digital archive is available during the exhibition period of the Cheongju Art Studio. The detailed exhibition schedule can be found on the website of the Art Museum.

An official from the Cheongju Museum of Art has said: “The museum hopes visitors experience a variety of immersive content at the Smart Museum and plans to provide unique culture experience services by focusing on content development.”
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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