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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Chojeong Haenggung Palace makes Cheongju more fun!
Writer Cheongju
Subject Cheongju seeking to make the city more fun, with the Phase 2 of the King Sejong Chojeong Haenggung project.

The Phase 2 of the Chojeong Haenggung project aims to create a touristic attraction where people can experience history, educational information and culture, by investing KRW 277 million.

Cheongju is expanding a variety of touristic facilities where experience-based programs related to traditional culture, palace food and traditional music can be introduced under the themes of astronomy, science, the Korean alphabet (Hunminjeongeum), and Chojeong Mineral Water during the King Sejong and the Joseon Dynasty, in outdoor parks and major indoor spaces.

- Experiment like King Sejong, at the Science Experience facility!

Cheongju built an outdoor Science Experience facility within the Sejong Creativity Town, by investing KRW 340 million last October.

Eight kinds of astronomical instruments representative of King Sejong and the Joseon Dynasty including Ilseongjeongsiui, Soganui, and Angbuilgu were restored and installed in full size in the outdoor spaces, to provide an opportunity to see and touch the achievements of the great scientific history of the Joseon Dynasty in real life and to feel patriotism and King Sejong’s spirit of independence.

- The VR experience of King Sejong’s achievements awaits!

Various VR experiences will be available at Chojeong Haenggung Palace with Industry 4.0 technology.

Immersive digital content will be provided, so you will be able to experience a variety of King Sejong's scientific achievements, including media art reproducing the night sky of the Joseon Dynasty inside six major palace buildings, including the royal bed chamber (Chimjeon) and the royal office (Pyeonjeon), 3D interactive videos for astronomical science devices and a VR-based constellation experience.

As part of the educational content production and exhibition project at Sejong's Creativity Town, the content will be completed by September 2022, with an investment of KRW 850 million.

Animations about King Sejong and Chojeong Mineral Water will be produced with an investment of KRW 180 million for children aged between 8 and 13. They will be diplayed at the Haenggung Palace from January 2023, telling interesting stories about King Sejong and Chojeong Mineral Water so that they can easily learn about the local history which is not easily found in textbooks.

- Chojeong Haenggung Palace newly turning into a famous night view spot

The lighting project of nightscapes aiming to newly create famous night view spots in Cheongju is in its final stage and close to completion within this month.

The construction has been completed within three months, with an investment of KRW 450 million and it is ready to welcome tourist. With beautiful lighting shows and photo zones, they have been installed in line with the Korean traditional architecture of the Haenggung Palace and its landscape.

Cheongju strives to expand tourist facilities for general convenience and unique experiences, by investing KRW 600 million to complete the Chojeong Haenggung traditional wall project by September and improving customer experiences for those who stay in the Korean traditional accommodation at the Haenggung Palace.

In addition, Cheongju will make extra efforts into turning the Chojeong Haenggung Palace into a place where people of all ages including children, the MZ generation, middle-aged and elderly people can all visit together, by offering various experience programs. This includes making scientific devices from the Joseon Dynasty, observing the night sky, trying royal foods, playing Korean traditional performances (Madangkuk), traditional and modern music performances, playing traditional games, and wearing traditional clothes (Hanbok).

A city official stated: “Cheongju will strive to complete the ongoing Chojeong Haenggung Palace Phase 2 Project successfully, for its citizens and to increase the city’s entertainment capacities. I hope many people will notice Cheongju and come visit here.”

Meanwhile, Cheongju remodeled the Chojeong Haenggung Place based on the historical knowledge of King Sejong having stayed in the region for 121 days in 1444, a time during which he received treatment for an eye condition and completed the Korean alphabet (Hunminjeongeum). Therefore, the Palace will partly open to the public starting June 2020.
Chojeong Haenggung Palace makes Cheongju more fun! 이미지 1
Chojeong Haenggung Palace makes Cheongju more fun! 이미지 2
File 첨부파일(png파일) 초정행궁1.png초정행궁1.png 바로보기
첨부파일(png파일) 초정행궁2.png초정행궁2.png 바로보기
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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