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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Inauguration ceremony of the first mayor of the newly integrated city of Cheongju, Lee Sung Hoon
Writer Department of External Relations
Subject Inauguration ceremony of the first mayor of the newly integrated city of Cheongju, Lee Sung Hoon
-held at the large meeting room of City Hall with over 200 family members, acquaintances and employees attending

The inaugural mayor of the newly integrated city of Cheongju and the city’s 6th democratically elected mayor Lee Sung Hoon took office.
The city of Cheongju held the inauguration ceremony at 9 am of the 1st in the large meeting room of City Hall. The ceremony was in simplified form with about 200 attendees standing witness, including the mayor’s family members, acquaintances and public officers of the city of Cheongju.
The ceremony proceed with a declaration of opening, a pledge of allegiance, a brief introduction of the mayor’s biography, inauguration oath, inauguration address, awarding of a congratulatory bouquet and a projection of video messages by major government figures congratulating the occasion.
Mayor Lee emphasized in his inaugural address that he “feels an immense responsibility as he takes upon this historically meaningful task” and that he will make Cheongju “into a city where everybody can live happily and see to it that the newly integrated city in 68 years will become a local economic hub.”
He added that he set his administrative goals as “number one economy, best Cheongju” and will deliver on the promises he made as a mayoral candidate, one by one.
Lastly, he pledged to “make exerted efforts with the 3000 public officers of Cheongju, in order to make the City a hub in the middle region of Korea and beyond” and asked for continued support.
The policy direction as expressed in the inaugural address can be summarized as the following: promotion of the local economy, building a dynamic city, making a city where sharing and respect are valued, and building a reliable city government.
As part of the measures to promote the local economy, he presented measures such as
-Attracting MRO businesses and low cost airlines
-Development of the Osong station area
-Expansion of the agricultural products processing center
-Support for the production and distribution of local agricultural goods and
-Promotion of the creative economy.

In order to build a more dynamic Cheongju, he promised to
-Transfer and build the Seocheongju IC
-Complete early the third detour route
-Construct a road that connects Songcheon Bridge and Ochang IC
-Expand roads between Cheongju station and Oksan
-Ease regulations concerning re-development and re-construction
-Build a sport complex
-Reinforce local sports facilities for each region
-Continue to provide free, environment-friendly meals to school children and
-Implement measures to promote the health of high school seniors

Measures to build a Cheongju where sharing and respect are valued include
-Designation of a Sejong cultural healing special zone
-Expansion of initiatives to help create jobs for women
-Promotion of corporations willing to hire older candidates
-Increase in the number of employers that hire the severely handicapped and
-Expansion of public day care centers

Moreover, to build a safe city, it is expected that he will push forward with
-Refining policies related to safety
-More stricter preventive measures
-Establishment of a comprehensive control center for CCTV and
-Establishment of a disaster prevention and relief experience center

In addition, Mayor Lee declared that he will launch an era of ‘grand integration and grand harmony’ by ensuring a fair and transparent HR management system within his government, a culture that emphasizes integrity and a conflict management system that focuses on prevention.

Inquiry : Press release, Department of External Relations (82-043-201-1073)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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