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Cheongju City



Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju-si, focusing on promoting insect industry as the future growth power
Writer Department of research development Pathologic insect team
Subject - Breeding, manufacture research… creating dish‧making feed for livestock -

As the insect industry is receiving attention as future growth engine, Cheongju-si is an exemplary model of national local community with its leading insect industry.
Cheongju-si is concentrating on growing insect industry focusing on developing food and feed using insect.
According to FAO and domestic scholars, insect has high protein content and can be rich nutrient supplement with essential amino acid, which makes it an ecologically, environmentally, nutritionally sustainable food for the human being.
Currently, over 1700 types of insects among 1.3 million insects in the world are edible. 80% of the world has already eaten insect, especially, Southeastern Asian countries including China, Latin America and Africa already has built insect diet culture.
Therefore, to grow insect industry in Korea, there is a need to put effort to create food which would decrease the disgust regarding edible insect. The city is trying to create food that can be used as ingredient such as powder, small pieces or stock rather than the original shape of insect, to publish brochures about Korean food made up of insect, children's insect cooking class, and edible insect dish to enable easier approach to insect food.
Also, darkling beetle, protaetia brevitarsis seulensis, and beetle larva are sold as dried goods or cookie. Edible insect cafe and restaurant is already in operation, and will increase continuously. Various recipes, menus and products must be developed to expand the edible insect as general food.

Cheongju-si established insect laboratory since last 2014 and has been growing darkling beetle, beetle, protaetia brevitarsis seulensis, Gryllus bimaculatus, and water beetle, and led insect as future agriculture by founding insect industry research association.
In 2015, in accordance with legislation about insect industry, it was designated as insect industry professional personnel training center, recruited 60 students for Cheongju Agricultural College Useful Insect Class since this year to educate professional breeding technology, manufacture, sales, legislation regarding insects.
Above this, the center hosted free tasting of cookie, bread or handmade choco-pie at Cheongwon life festival, insect educations and insect industry seminar using edible insects such as darkling beetle or gryllus bimaculatus, and has applied for Gosoae Sundae using insect for the first time, and promoting industrialization.
Also, the center is promoting useful insect breeding actualization program for the breeding of environmental cleansing insect and processing 500kg of food waste per day using ptectius tenebrifer and producing 1t of insect feed per month for pet, monkey, reptile, or fish meal for loach or fish cultivation.
Also, the casting after eating is produced 4t every month to be used as organic compost. Through quality improvement test of insect-using egg using proliferation product ion of insect, chicken was fed with ptectius tenebrifer larva. As the result, the quality improved premium eggs were produced and they were sold 3 times more expensive that general egg, and contributed to increase of agricultural income.
Head of Cheongju Agricultural technology center R&D department Choi Dong Woon said "We experienced poverty only few decades ago, and because human being always agonized about the food, so it is very important to put effort to secure insect resource in the future." and we will try to grow insect industry as future resource to create higher value."

▶ Inquiry : Department of research development Pathologic insect team(☎043-201-3921)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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